Weather Observation Links

NWS Observation Map This map gives access to observations around Western Passage Canal, Whittier and the eastern corner of Portage Valley. You can click on the “+” to zoom in further or the “-” to zoom out. The density of observational data may also change. On the right side, there is a box labeled “Overlays”. From here, you can click on several more options. The density of observations can be increased by clicking the “Density” option. The display contains, NWS, FAA, RWIS (AK DOT), Railroad, Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center observations, etc.

Alaska Marine Exchange ObservationsThis is an excellent source of information. I especially like this because it not only includes observations not currently found on the NWS map, but allows you to “zoom” and “move” the map around, click on a station, and obtain both current information and also information from the past 24 hours. The Whittier site is at the State of Alaska Marine Ferry Terminal.

Ring of Fire Site – This site is in the rail yard on the Alaska Railroad light tower at an elevation of about 90′.

Whittier School and Cliffside Marina (Intermittent reports) The school site includes a full range of weather information (wind, precipitation, temperature, pressure, etc.).